Court-Appointed Roles - Receivers
In certain situations where a company is in default of its loan obligations, such lenders or creditors may consider seeking the appointment of a receiver to safeguard their interests. A receivership takes place when the court appoints a receiver to oversee the interests of all stakeholders and to maximize the value of an estate to its constituents. A receiver acts on behalf of lenders or creditors under the specific direction of the court. Typically, a receiver is appointed to take control of all of the debtors’ property with the authority to liquidate assets and wind‐down business affairs.
The professionals at Focus Management Group have extensive experience in receiverships. Our Managing Directors have been appointed as receivers for a variety of businesses and have assisted owners and lenders in maximizing their recovery. Our team has the experience to manage a company or real estate entity’s affairs and can liquidate the assets of a business or turn a short term crisis into long term viability. Our objective is to complete a transaction expeditiously, while simultaneously maximizing the value of an estate to the benefit of all stakeholders.
As Court‐Appointed Receivers, Focus Professionals provide:
Legal Assistance
Report Preparation
Claims Administration
Expert Opinions & Testimony
Asset Protection
Asset Liquidation
Operational Guidance
Sale of Business
Our Court-Appointed Roles include: